
& Consulting

Financial Planning

Tax Preparation

Tax Planning &
Saving Strategies

Tax Resolution

REviews & Compilations


Keeping up with your small business’ day-to-day accounting is vital to the financial health of your organization. However, as an entrepreneur, you have a lot on your plate, and maintaining your books can be time consuming and frustrating. Don’t fret – We’ve got you covered! The financial experts at The ALG Group can make your life easier by taking care of your accounting responsibilities for you, and keeping you updated along the way. Our team will execute all the tasks that form the foundation of your bookkeeping system, and provide you with accurate reports so you always know the state of your ledger. In addition, we provide consulting services so that you can understand how to interpret and best utilize your organization’s financial information. Our accounting packages are completely customizable to your needs,so you can choose whether you’d like us to handle basic bookkeeping or add payroll, tax planning, tax preparation, or any other financial services you might need. When you partner with The ALG Group to outsource your accounting,we can perform the following tasks each month or quarter:

  • Bank Reconciliation: If your business checking account is left un-reconciled, you open your organization to a host of financial issues like excess or unjustified bank charges, ineffective cash management, and even embezzlement. Our accounting experts will routinely reconcile your account to help identify lost checks and deposits, detect and prevent inaccurate debits,and provide you with an accurate picture of your business’ financial status.
  • Income Statements: Sometimes also known as a profit and loss statement, your income statement is an itemized list of all your revenues and expenses that provides you with an accurate understanding of your business performance, whether profit or loss. With our help, you will be able to identify what items are causing unexpected expenses, where you may be over or under budget, track fluctuations in sales, and determine your income tax liability ahead of time.
  • Balance Sheets: Your balance sheet should be able to give you an accurate understanding of your organization’s financial heal that any specific moment, helping you to understand the financial strengths and weaknesses of your business. With routine accounting services from The ALGGroup, you’ll be able to identify and analyze trends, determine if your business is properly handling the ebb and flow of revenues and expenses, and whether you are in a position to expand. In addition, your balance sheet and income statements, are basic financial reports required by potential lenders who are considering granting you credit, so if you are trying to acquire funding, having an accurate and professionally prepared balance sheet is key for approval.
  • Maintain a Clean Ledger: Your general ledger is the core of your organization’s financial records, and we can’t stress how important it is to keep your general ledger accurate and up to date so that you can avoid financial discrepancies within your business. Every transaction made flows through the ledger, so if there’s an error, the whole of your financial reporting can easily become inaccurate. But no need to stress – we can help by performing monthly reviews of your records to help identify any inaccuracies like double billings or unrecorded payments, so that we can then fix any discrepancies so your books are always accurate.

Business financial planning

The ALG Group knows that as a business owner, your main focus is on the critical functions and activities of your business, and there are countless distractions competing for your attention at any given moment. The finances of your business don’t have to be one of those things, which is why we offer a large range of business financial planning and consulting services that allow you to run your business while knowing you have someone there looking out for your best financial interest, whether that be the current state of your books or year-round tax planning. Our finance and accounting services are completely customizable, allowing you to choose The ALG Group for the best services that benefit your organization. Not sure what help you need? We can assess your current financial landscape and offer professional advice. We offer:

  • New Business Formation: We can help you through the process of creating a detailed business plan that identifies your start-up capital needs, details your budget, advantages and liabilities, and complies with employment laws.
  • Bank Reconciliation: Proper bank reconciliation is the foundation of a solid business accounting system. When The ALG Group reconciles your accounts, you can be assured that you will receive accurately and properly compiled reports, effective cash management, solid embezzlement protection, and unjustified bank charge prevention. We’ll maintain a clean ledger so you can focus your attention on your organization’s daily operations.
  • QuickBooks: The perfect accounting system for small businesses, QuickBooks is affordable, reliable, and customizable. We can assist you with initial setup and installation, provide training for your staff, and perform data reviews. Or, if you’d prefer, our team can handle all your QuickBooks accounting needs.
  • Payroll: Outsourcing your payroll allows you to reduce overhead, eliminates payroll tax risk, and ensures accurate checks and reporting. Additionally, it takes the responsibility off your shoulders, giving you the ability to focus on your other priorities.
  • Part Time CFO Services: If your business is in need of professional financial advice, but can’t afford a full-time controller,we can offer part-time support for a fraction of the usual CFO service cost.This program includes trend analysis, tax saving strategies, cash management,assistance with obtaining financing,mergers and acquisitions assistance, budget preparation, monitoring and more.
  • Audits/Reviews/Compilations: All public companies and some private entities are required to undergo an annual audit. This investigative report allows you to provide your stakeholders and creditors with an accurate report of your company’s financial standing. In addition, it can help you deter fraud, comply with banking loan covenants, and facilitate the sale of your business, if need be. When The ALG Group performs an audit we will review your internal controls, test selected transactions and communicate with third parties in order to gain an accurate picture of your financial and legal standing. This information will then be compiled into a report for your reference. If your organization cannot afford the expense and work involved in a typical audit, we also offer reviews and compilations. A compilation is the lowest level of assurance we can provide, as it doesn’t require analytical procedures or inquiries into management or third parties. We gain a general understanding of your business, and apply accounting principles to present a report that is the “representation of management” but does not express an opinion or assurance regarding the statements. A review is more involved than a compilation, and therefore provides a higher level of assurance to a third party regarding your organization’s financial health. When we perform a review we will apply analytical procedures to your financial statements and perform inquiries with your management team. If our findings seem inconsistent, we will then perform additional procedures. Lastly, our team will compile a report of our findings along with limited assurance that your financial statements comply with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Not sure what type of report is right for your business? Contact us! Our team of experts will help you choose an option that suits your circumstances and budgetary needs.
  • Cash Flow Management: There’s nothing more terrifying as a business owner than finding yourself in the midst of a cash crisis. It can be easier than you think to land in a situation where your cash-out exceeds your cash-in, which is why having an expert manage your cash flow is key to keeping you out of the red. Our cashflow management program will help you know when, where, and how your cash needs will occur, what the best source for meeting your cash needs is, and help you keep good relationships with bankers and other lenders. We do this by preparing historical cash flow statements, so you know where your debit weaknesses are,and then developing short and long-term cash flow projections to help you manage daily cash and prepare a capital strategy to meet your future business needs. In addition, when The ALG Group manages your cash flow, we can also help you obtain a line of credit, obtain the maximum rate of return on your idle funds, and give you cash collection acceleration techniques.
  • Bank Financing: Applying for a business loan without an organized approach or professional representation can result in your potential lender rejecting you based on high risk. When our experts prepare a loan proposal in your stead, they increase your likelihood of success since they’re experts in appealing to the lender’s perspective. We help you put your best foot forward by including an executive summary that fully details the purpose for your loan and the exact amount of money requested. Additionally,our winning loan proposals also include pro-forma cash budgets and financial statements, your personal financial statements, and personal representation to your banker.
  • Succession Planning: If you own a business,retirement can be a tricky situation. Who will replace you? Will you have enough money to cover your retirement costs? The ALG Group can help you develop and implement a well-designed succession plan that focuses on your business valuation, restructuring, tax consequences, and retirement projections. We’ll ensure that whether you sell your organization to a third party or transfer it to your family, the transition will be simple and fair.
  • Internal Controls: No matter how much you trust your employees, internal loss and improper handling of resources is a real possibility unless you ensure the proper controls are in place. Not to mention,your business may have room for improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of your operating procedures. Having a trained third party assess your internal control systems is the best way to guarantee the strength and profitability of your company. When you partner with The ALG Group to evaluate your internal controls, we will review your operating procedures and determine if they are in your best interests. If there are behaviors that cause alarm, our team can develop and implement a control plan that will keep your assets protected. Oneway to do this is by dividing duties among various employees to reduce errors and inappropriate actions, ensuring no one person has control over all aspects of any financial transaction, and that all transactions are properly authorized. We can also routinely review and reconcile your records to determine all transactions have been properly processed, make certain that all assets are physically secured and counted periodically, provide your employees with training to make sure they have the knowledge necessary to carry out their duties, and document these policies so they are accessible to your staff at all times. Periodically, it’s best to review the operations we’ve implemented to ensure the results are consistent with your organization’s goals.

Business Tax Preparation

Running a business has many exciting aspects, but it also has responsibilities that are much less enjoyable- like paying taxes. While tax preparation isn’t exactly at the top of your “fun” list as a business owner, it’s something that has to be done. With the right people on your side, however, your business’ tax preparation experience doesn’t have to be the headache that previous years might have been. The ALG Group has a long-standing history of superior tax preparation for businesses of all sizes throughout the state of Michigan, and around the country. Our team is highly experienced in dealing with the oftentimes complicated nature of business tax laws and making them work to your advantage. Get in touch with us today and let us help you get the most out of your return this year!

Why Should I Use a Professional for Business Tax Preparation?

While there are numerous DIY tax preparation programs out there that promise a “quick and easy” alternative to professional tax preparation, they are more often than not tailored to the needs of individuals rather than businesses. The reality is that business tax returns are vastly different from that of a single person and require a critical level of skill and attention that software just cannot deliver. Business tax laws are complicated and filing a business tax return, even a simple one, can be a daunting task. Working with a professional tax agency like The ALG Group is the best way to ensure you receive all the deductions and credits that you’re entitled to by law, as well as avoid trouble with the IRS. 

When The ALG group prepares your business tax return, we will:

  • Be up front about our fees
  • Ask for physical records and receipts to remain compliant with IRS rules
  • Treat your personal data with sensitivity
  • E-file your return for maximum accuracy and a quicker filing process
  • Review your return with you to ensure all information is correct
  • Give you a copy of your return for your records

Services for Businesses Beyond Tax Preparation

Our commitment to serving the tax-related needs of your business does not end at filing your annual return. The ALG Group is here for you throughout the year, offering our expertise in the form of strategic tax planning for the future and tax resolution services including IRS representation.

Tax Planning For Your Business

Business tax laws are countless and complicated, so it is imperative that you rely on an expert to help you navigate them for the best results for your business. Our team of experienced tax professionals is well versed in the complexities of tax bills, and works continuously to ensure that our clients and partners are maximizing their opportunities through thoughtful tax planning. We work with you to understand the nuances of your business, and then identify opportunities where you could be saving. Tax planning is not a one-time per year event. Our team works throughout the year to ensure you are prepared when tax season comes around. To plan effectively, we help you estimate your personal and business income for the next few years. Then we can accurately judge your tax bracket, and determine when and how to conduct your transactions to help reduce your owed taxes. We can also help you stay on track with when your taxes need to be paid, ensure you claim all your qualifying credits, and control the effects of the alternative minimum tax. We only employ tax planning solutions that are based around your organization’s specific characteristics. If your organization utilizes our accounting and financial consultation services, our team will already have a picture of your business’ financial health, streamlining your tax planning needs. Some strategy examples include:

  • Capitalizing on Fringe Benefit Plans
  • Maximizing Business Expenses
  • Utilizing Carryover Deductions and Credit
  • Considering the Impacts of Your Investment Portfolio
  • Changing Your Business Structure

Save With Professional Tax Preparation

Tax preparation software has become extremely popular in recent years, and while it is a great tool for simple, personal returns, utilizing it for your business return could cost you more than you think or land you in trouble with the IRS. We have met countless clients that have found themselves in trouble with the IRS or state due to inferior tax preparation services, which is why we recommend that you always have an expert guide you through the process. When you choose The ALG group to prepare your business tax filing, you’ll receive a high-quality return that allows you to pay the lowest amount possible, or get the largest refund possible. We’re very proud of the way our team communicates with you through the entire process so you have a clear understanding of your tax situation and have the opportunity to review your return before it’s filed. Haven’t kept up with your bookkeeping? Not a problem! No matter the current state of your books, we can help you prepare a full Schedule C. Not to mention, we can help you file your personal income tax return as well! 

Tax Resolution for Your Business

At The ALG Group we have a long-standing history with helping businesses navigate tax resolution. We understand that experiencing IRS or state tax problems can feel overwhelming. But we assure you, no matter what tax issues your business is facing, whether it’s a large bill you can’t afford, back taxes, or liens and levies, you’re not alone. We have extensive experience handling complex tax resolution cases for businesses all over the United States, and our team will take the time to get to know you and your situation so we can suggest a resolution that you can afford and that the IRS or State of Michigan will agree with. We take pride in offering efficient, affordable and discrete tax resolution services that have saved our clients thousands of dollars. We provide representation for IRS audits, and consultation for issues like back taxes, non-filed returns, wage garnishments, levies and more. Our solutions include:

  • IRS Settlements: If your tax debt has been incorrectly assessed or you cannot afford to pay your liabilities, you may qualify for the Offer in Compromise program. With the help of The ALG Group, you could settle for 5-15% of what you presently owe. While there are no guarantees, our extensive history in tax resolution has positively served countless clients.
  • Payment Plans: If you do not qualify for theOffer in Compromise program, we can help you set up a payment plan that allows you to settle your debt in a reasonable time frame and with payment amounts you can afford.
  • Bankruptcy Filing: If your back taxes, interest,and penalties have built up to an amount that you cannot feasibly afford, your entire debt owed could be wiped out by filing for bankruptcy. If you qualify, bankruptcy can be the best solution to resolve your crushing tax problems. Unfortunately ,not everyone qualifies. Certain rules have to be met first. Proper pre-bankruptcy planning is key to determining if bankruptcy is, or can be a viable solution.

Audit & Assurance Services from the ALG Group

The ALG Audit Approach: Insight Beyond the Numbers
At The ALG Group, we provide comprehensive assurance services that deliver valuable strategic insights and financial transparency. Our specialized team offers expertise in audits, reviews, compilations, fraud risk assessment, and internal control consulting, to ensure your organization thrives.

Audits, Reviews & Compilations for Michigan businesses

Experience and in-depth knowledge are at the core of our assurance services.
We understand the critical importance of accurate financial statements for nonprofits, government organizations, construction firms, property management companies, and other types of Michigan businesses. Building strong relationships with our clients is essential. We work closely with you to ensure our audits are a collaborative process that enhances your trust in our services. Our goal is to provide you peace of mind through our reliable and efficient audit services.

Business Audits in East Michigan

An audit from The ALG Group provides an accurate and thorough picture of your organization’s financial standing. Our audits are designed to enhance trust and demonstrate that your financial statements are a true reflection of your company’s health. , we ensure all our audits adhere to generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS). This process not only helps detect any existing issues but also bolsters your business’s credibility and success.

business reviews for michigan businesses

A business review offers a robust yet less intensive alternative to an audit. Our team applies analytical procedures to your financial data, aiming to confirm its completeness and accuracy. Should inconsistencies arise, we delve deeper to resolve the identified discrepancies and provide recommendations on how to keep them at bay. This service ensures your organization maintains financial integrity without the comprehensive scrutiny of a full audit.

business compilations in east lansing, howell, and ann arbor michigan

Our compilation services organize your financial records in accordance with accounting standards, offering a clear, structured format without the detailed analysis involved in audits or reviews. Compilations are ideal for businesses and organizations seeking to present their financial information accurately while working within budgetary constraints. This service is particularly valuable for maintaining efficient records and preparing for future financial planning.

Other business accounting services The ALG Group Provides

  • Business Accounting & Consulting: Enhance your organization's financial health with our expert accounting and consulting services. We deliver value-added solutions tailored to your needs.
  • Business Tax Preparation: Ensure your business taxes are prepared accurately and efficiently to maximize your deductions and credits.
  • Business Tax Planning & Saving Strategies: Optimize your tax savings with proactive planning and tailored strategies from our tax experts.
  • Business Tax Resolution: Navigate complex tax issues with confidence, supported by our experienced tax resolution services.

Business Accounting & Consulting


Keeping up with your small business’ day-to-day accounting is vital to the financial health of your organization. However, as an entrepreneur, you have a lot on your plate, and maintaining your books can be time consuming and frustrating. Don’t fret – We’ve got you covered! The financial experts at The ALG Group can make your life easier by taking care of your accounting responsibilities for you, and keeping you updated along the way. Our team will execute all the tasks that form the foundation of your bookkeeping system, and provide you with accurate reports so you always know the state of your ledger. In addition, we provide consulting services so that you can understand how to interpret and best utilize your organization’s financial information. Our accounting packages are completely customizable to your needs,so you can choose whether you’d like us to handle basic bookkeeping or add payroll, tax planning, tax preparation, or any other financial services you might need. When you partner with The ALG Group to outsource your accounting,we can perform the following tasks each month or quarter:

  • Bank Reconciliation: If your business checking account is left un-reconciled, you open your organization to a host of financial issues like excess or unjustified bank charges, ineffective cash management, and even embezzlement. Our accounting experts will routinely reconcile your account to help identify lost checks and deposits, detect and prevent inaccurate debits, and provide you with an accurate picture of your business’ financial status.
  • Income Statements: Sometimes also known as a profit and loss statement, your income statement is an itemized list of all your revenues and expenses that provides you with an accurate understanding of your business performance, whether profit or loss. With our help, you will be able to identify what items are causing unexpected expenses, where you may be over or under budget, track fluctuations in sales, and determine your income tax liability ahead of time.
  • Balance Sheets: Your balance sheet should be able to give you an accurate understanding of your organization’s financial health at any specific moment, helping you to understand the financial strengths and weaknesses of your business. With routine accounting services from The ALGGroup, you’ll be able to identify and analyze trends, determine if your business is properly handling the ebb and flow of revenues and expenses, and whether you are in a position to expand. In addition, your balance sheet and income statements, are basic financial reports required by potential lenders who are considering granting you credit, so if you are trying to acquire funding, having an accurate and professionally prepared balance sheet is key for approval.
  • Maintain a Clean Ledger: Your general ledger is the core of your organization’s financial records, and we can’t stress how important it is to keep your general ledger accurate and up to date so that you can avoid financial discrepancies within your business. Every transaction made flows through the ledger, so if there’s an error, the whole of your financial reporting can easily become inaccurate. But no need to stress – we can help by performing monthly reviews of your records to help identify any inaccuracies like double billings or unrecorded payments, so that we can then fix any discrepancies so your books are always accurate.

Business financial planning

The ALG Group knows that as a business owner, your main focus is on the critical functions and activities of your business, and there are countless distractions competing for your attention at any given moment. The finances of your business don’t have to be one of those things, which is why we offer a large range of business financial planning and consulting services that allow you to run your business while knowing you have someone there looking out for your best financial interest, whether that be the current state of your books or year-round tax planning. Our finance and accounting services are completely customizable, allowing you to choose The ALG Group for the best services that benefit your organization. Not sure what help you need?We can assess your current financial landscape and offer professional advice. We offer:

  • New Business Formation: We can help you through the process of creating a detailed business plan that identifies your start-up capital needs, details your budget, advantages and liabilities, and complies with employment laws.
  • Bank Reconciliation: Proper bank reconciliation is the foundation of a solid business accounting system. When The ALG Group reconciles your accounts, you can be assured that you will receive accurately and properly compiled reports, effective cash management, solid embezzlement protection, and unjustified bank charge prevention. We’ll maintain a clean ledger so you can focus your attention on your organization’s daily operations.
  • QuickBooks: The perfect accounting system for small businesses, QuickBooks is affordable, reliable, and customizable. We can assist you with initial setup and installation, provide training for your staff, and perform data reviews. Or, if you’d prefer, our team can handle all your QuickBooks accounting needs.
  • Payroll: Outsourcing your payroll allows you to reduce overhead, eliminates payroll tax risk, and ensures accurate checks and reporting. Additionally, it takes the responsibility off your shoulders, giving you the ability to focus on your other priorities.
  • Part Time CFO Services: If your business is in need of professional financial advice, but can’t afford a full-time controller,we can offer part-time support for a fraction of the usual CFO service cost.This program includes trend analysis, tax saving strategies, cash management,assistance with obtaining financing,mergers and acquisitions assistance, budget preparation, monitoring and more.
  • Audits/Reviews/Compilations: All public companies and some private entities are required to undergo an annual audit. This investigative report allows you to provide your stakeholders and creditors with an accurate report of your company’s financial standing. In addition, it can help you deter fraud, comply with banking loan covenants, and facilitate the sale of your business, if need be. When The ALG Group performs an audit we will review your internal controls, test selected transactions and communicate with third parties in order to gain an accurate picture of your financial and legal standing. This information will then be compiled into a report for your reference. If your organization cannot afford the expense and work involved in a typical audit, we also offer reviews and compilations. A compilation is the lowest level of assurance we can provide, as it doesn’t require analytical procedures or inquiries into management or third parties. We gain a general understanding of your business, and apply accounting principles to present a report that is the “representation of management” but does not express an opinion or assurance regarding the statements. A review is more involved than a compilation, and therefore provides a higher level of assurance to a third party regarding your organization’s financial health. When we perform a review we will apply analytical procedures to your financial statements and perform inquiries with your management team. If our findings seem inconsistent, we will then perform additional procedures. Lastly, our team will compile a report of our findings along with limited assurance that your financial statements comply with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Not sure what type of report is right for your business? Contact us! Our team of experts will help you choose an option that suits your circumstances and budgetary needs.
  • Cash Flow Management: There’s nothing more terrifying as a business owner than finding yourself in the midst of a cash crisis. It can be easier than you think to land in a situation where your cash-out exceeds your cash-in, which is why having an expert manage your cash flow is key to keeping you out of the red. Our cash flow management program will help you know when, where, and how your cash needs will occur, what the best source for meeting your cash needs is, and help you keep good relationships with bankers and other lenders. We do this by preparing historical cash flow statements, so you know where your debit weaknesses are, and then developing short and long-term cash flow projections to help you manage daily cash and prepare a capital strategy to meet your future business needs. In addition, when The ALG Group manages your cash flow, we can also help you obtain a line of credit, obtain the maximum rate of return on your idle funds, and give you cash collection acceleration techniques.
  • Bank Financing: Applying for a business loan without an organized approach or professional representation can result in your potential lender rejecting you based on high risk. When our experts prepare a loan proposal in your stead, they increase your likelihood of success since they’re experts in appealing to the lender’s perspective. We help you put your best foot forward by including an executive summary that fully details the purpose for your loan and the exact amount of money requested. Additionally, our winning loan proposals also include pro-forma cash budgets and financial statements, your personal financial statements, and personal representation to your banker.
  • Succession Planning: If you own a business, retirement can be a tricky situation. Who will replace you? Will you have enough money to cover your retirement costs? The ALG Group can help you develop and implement a well-designed succession plan that focuses on your business valuation, restructuring, tax consequences, and retirement projections. We’ll ensure that whether you sell your organization to a third party or transfer it to your family, the transition will be simple and fair.
  • Internal Controls: No matter how much you trust your employees, internal loss and improper handling of resources is a real possibility unless you ensure the proper controls are in place. Not to mention, your business may have room for improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of your operating procedures. Having a trained third party assess your internal control systems is the best way to guarantee the strength and profitability of your company. When you partner with The ALG Group to evaluate your internal controls, we will review your operating procedures and determine if they are in your best interests. If there are behaviors that cause alarm, our team can develop and implement a control plan that will keep your assets protected. One way to do this is by dividing duties among various employees to reduce errors and inappropriate actions, ensuring no one person has control over all aspects of any financial transaction, and that all transactions are properly authorized. We can also routinely review and reconcile your records to determine all transactions have been properly processed, make certain that all assets are physically secured and counted periodically, provide your employees with training to make sure they have the knowledge necessary to carry out their duties, and document these policies so they are accessible to your staff at all times. Periodically, it’s best to review the operations we’ve implemented to ensure the results are consistent with your organization’s goals.

Business Tax Preparation

Running a business has many exciting aspects, but it also has responsibilities that are much less enjoyable- like paying taxes. While tax preparation isn’t exactly at the top of your “fun” list as a business owner, it’s something that has to be done. With the right people on your side, however, your business’ tax preparation experience doesn’t have to be the headache that previous years might have been. The ALG Group has a long-standing history of superior tax preparation for businesses of all sizes throughout the state of Michigan, and around the country. Our team is highly experienced in dealing with the oftentimes complicated nature of business tax laws and making them work to your advantage. Get in touch with us today and let us help you get the most out of your return this year!

Why Should I Use a Professional for Business Tax Preparation?

While there are numerous DIY tax preparation programs out there that promise a “quick and easy” alternative to professional tax preparation, they are more often than not tailored to the needs of individuals rather than businesses. The reality is that business tax returns are vastly different from that of a single person and require a critical level of skill and attention that software just cannot deliver. Business tax laws are complicated and filing a business tax return, even a simple one, can be a daunting task. Working with a professional tax agency like The ALG Group is the best way to ensure you receive all the deductions and credits that you’re entitled to by law, as well as avoid trouble with the IRS. 

When The ALG group prepares your business tax return, we will:

  • Be up front about our fees
  • Ask for physical records and receipts to remain compliant with IRS rules
  • Treat your personal data with sensitivity
  • E-file your return for maximum accuracy and a quicker filing process
  • Review your return with you to ensure all information is correct
  • Give you a copy of your return for your records

Services for Businesses Beyond Tax Preparation

Our commitment to serving the tax-related needs of your business does not end at filing your annual return. The ALG Group is here for you throughout the year, offering our expertise in the form of strategic tax planning for the future and tax resolution services including IRS representation.

Tax Planning For Your Business

Business tax laws are countless and complicated, so it is imperative that you rely on an expert to help you navigate them for the best results for your business. Our team of experienced tax professionals is well versed in the complexities of tax bills, and works continuously to ensure that our clients and partners are maximizing their opportunities through thoughtful tax planning. We work with you to understand the nuances of your business, and then identify opportunities where you could be saving. Tax planning is not a one-time per year event. Our team works throughout the year to ensure you are prepared when tax season comes around. To plan effectively, we help you estimate your personal and business income for the next few years. Then we can accurately judge your tax bracket, and determine when and how to conduct your transactions to help reduce your owed taxes. We can also help you stay on track with when your taxes need to be paid, ensure you claim all your qualifying credits, and control the effects of the alternative minimum tax. We only employ tax planning solutions that are based around your organization’s specific characteristics. If your organization utilizes our accounting and financial consultation services, our team will already have a picture of your business’ financial health, streamlining your tax planning needs. Some strategy examples include:

  • Capitalizing on Fringe Benefit Plans
  • Maximizing Business Expenses
  • Utilizing Carryover Deductions and Credit
  • Considering the Impacts of Your Investment Portfolio
  • Changing Your Business Structure

Tax preparation For Your Business

Thanks to its DIY appeal, tax preparation software has become extremely popular in recent years, and while it is a great tool for simple, personal returns, utilizing it for your business return could cost you more than you think or land you in trouble with the IRS. Business tax laws are complicated and filing a business tax return, even a simple one, can be a daunting task. We have met countless clients that have found themselves in trouble with the IRS or state due to inferior tax preparation services, which is why we recommend that you always have an expert guide you through the process. When you choose The ALG group to prepare your business tax filing, you’ll receive a high-quality return that allows you to pay the lowest amount possible, or get the largest refund possible. We’re very proud of the way our team communicates with you through the entire process so you have a clear understanding of your tax situation and have the opportunity to review your return before it’s filed. Haven’t kept up with your bookkeeping? Not a problem! No matter the current state of your books, we can help you prepare a full Schedule C. Not to mention, we can help you file your personal income tax return as well! When The ALG group prepares your business tax return, we will:

  • Be up front about our fees
  • Ask for physical records and receipts to remain compliant with IRS rules
  • Treat your personal data with sensitivity
  • E-file your return for maximum accuracy and a quicker filing process
  • Review your return with you to ensure all information is correct
  • Give you a copy of your return for your records

Tax Resolution for Your Business

At The ALG Group we have a long-standing history with helping businesses navigate tax resolution. We understand that experiencing IRS or state tax problems can feel overwhelming. But we assure you, no matter what tax issues your business is facing, whether it’s a large bill you can’t afford, back taxes, or liens and levies, you’re not alone. We have extensive experience handling complex tax resolution cases for businesses all over the United States, and our team will take the time to get to know you and your situation so we can suggest a resolution that you can afford and that the IRS or State of Michigan will agree with. We take pride in offering efficient, affordable and discrete tax resolution services that have saved our clients thousands of dollars. We provide representation for IRS audits, and consultation for issues like back taxes, non-filed returns, wage garnishments, levies and more. Our solutions include:

  • IRS Settlements: If your tax debt has been incorrectly assessed or you cannot afford to pay your liabilities, you may qualify for the Offer in Compromise program. With the help of The ALG Group, you could settle for 5-15% of what you presently owe. While there are no guarantees, our extensive history in tax resolution has positively served countless clients.
  • Payment Plans: If you do not qualify for the Offer in Compromise program, we can help you set up a payment plan that allows you to settle your debt in a reasonable time frame and with payment amounts you can afford.
  • Bankruptcy Filing: If your back taxes, interest, and penalties have built up to an amount that you cannot feasibly afford, your entire debt owed could be wiped out by filing for bankruptcy. If you qualify, bankruptcy can be the best solution to resolve your crushing tax problems. Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies. Certain rules have to be met first. Proper pre-bankruptcy planning is key to determining if bankruptcy is, or can be a viable solution.


Some states require non-profit organizations to perform annual audits to verify their charitable status, and even if your state does not, choosing not to conduct some sort of analysis or report on your institution’s financial practices could render you ineligible for funding; in other words, a charitable organization’s worst nightmare. There are numerous “charity watchdogs” that rate non-profits, and choosing not to undergo and publish the findings of an audit could result in you winding up on their “do not donate” list. In addition, executing an audit can be a great way to show the public your commitment to financial transparency and assist in building a reputation of integrity and professionalism. The ALG Group knows that as a non-profit, your budget is always tight, so it may be tempting to execute the audit yourself in order to save money. However, doing so does not provide the highest level of assurance to your board and the public that the resulting financial statements are free of discrepancies. Our team of specialized, non-profit financial experts has extensive experience in performing all levels of audits for non-profits. We provide assistance with the following:

  • Non-Profit Audits: An audit is an investigative report that provides an accurate picture of your organization’s financial standing, along with full assurance that all data has been analyzed and verified. This process can help you deter fraud, provide proof to your benefactors that donated funds are being used appropriately, and give your board confidence in your organization’s financial situation. When our team performs an audit we will review your internal controls, test selected transactions, and communicate with third parties in order to paint an accurate picture of your true financial and legal standing
  • Non-Profit Reviews: While a review shares the purpose of an audit, it provides a lower level of assurance that the end report is free of misrepresentation, and therefore, requires less investigation and analysis on the part of the auditor. When our team performs a review of your organization, we apply analytical procedures to your financial statements and perform inquiries with your board. If our findings seem inconsistent we will then perform additional procedures. Lastly, we will compile a report of our findings, along with limited assurance that the information listed is accurate.
  • Non-Profit Compilations: A compilation is a report that details your financial records in a format that complies with accounting standards.  When our team prepares a compilation report, we do not examine your internal controls, analyze source documents, or provide assurance that the statements listed accurately reflect the financial position of your organization. This means that if you are searching for a more specific and verifiable picture of your non-profit’s financial health, a compilation is not the option for you. However, it is suitable for those who are looking to organize their records in a standard manner, or for organizations who need an analysis of their financial health under budgetary restrictions.

Contact the ALG Group Today

For exceptional audit and assurance services as well as expert financial support, trust The ALG Group to provide insight beyond the numbers. Connect with us today to learn how we can help your business achieve financial excellence.


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