Income tax time is just around the corner! Get a head start on your taxes to beat the rush. Whether you’re preparing your tax return yourself, or are working with an accountant, this Individual Tax Organizer Letter (Form 1040) will guide you through all the information you need to file your taxes. Get it for FREE today! If you need assistance or prefer to have a professional CPA prepare your taxes, schedule your appointment now to be sure your tax return is completed promptly.
Tax season is the time of year dreaded by most. The gathering of documentation. Wondering if you’ll owe the State or IRS money. Wondering if you’ll get a refund. Did you do everything you could throughout the year to maximize your return? Do you know what deductions you’re eligible for, or that you may be missing out on? We don’t blame you for feeling overwhelmed! Tax laws are complicated and especially with the new tax laws, it’s hard to know what to look out for. Not to mention, if you’re feeling frustrated with your current accountant, it can make this time of year even worse, leaving you feeling less than confident in your financial situation.
Armed with valuable insight and information, you can be confident in your decision to choose a professional tax accountant that can not only complete and file your return for you, but that will give you the personalized attention and hands-on analysis that you need in order to optimize your tax return!
Schedule A One-on-One Tax Prep Meeting Today!